Twenty five delegates from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China, spent a day with LeGSB on the 9th September 2013, hosted by Sedgemoor District Council, as part of a visit to the UK.
The group were formally welcomed to the council by its Chairman Cllr Peter Downing, Leader of Council Cllr Duncan McGinty, Chief Executive Kerry Rickards and Corporate Director Bob Brown.
Councillor Duncan McGinty, Leader of Council said ‘Sedgemoor District Council was delighted to welcome 25 guests from the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The Council is recognised nationally for work on Local e-Government Standards by its Chief Information Officer, Paul Davidson, and the day was a good opportunity to share knowledge and experience. It provoked a great deal of interest and discussion and the delegation expressed much appreciation for the opportunity to develop thoughts about the role Local Government has to play in data-sharing and improving efficiency in local services’.
LeGSB gave presentations and Q&A sessions from:
- John Curtis, Head of Information and Knowledge Management at Sheffield City Council
- Paul Davidson, Chief Information Officer at Sedgemoor District Council
- Steve Peters, Assistant Director at the Department for Communities and Local Government
Paul Davidson, LeGSB’s Director of Standards, said ‘LeGSB helps councils publish data for the public, and share information with other councils and central government. Currently, we are working with government in programmes including Troubled Families, Welfare Reform, and Smart Cities. The Chinese delegation showed great interest in how we create and set data standards in the UK, and how we apply them to support the transparency, and efficiency of local services, while protecting privacy and security.’
Here are the slides the we used for the presentations.