The Local Digital Coalition has adopted the vision contained in the below document:

‘LOCAL DIGITAL LEADERSHIP: A joint position paper from the LGA, SOLACE, SOCITM and the Local CIO Council.’ –


iStandUK will be running a series of webinars over the next few weeks to explore the core components, and associated standards,  necessary to support this vision.


iStandUK steering group members and affiliates will be invited to take part in these webinars, which will be conducted via Google Hangout.  We will also invite others to join in via a live stream, where the session can take note of messages and tweets. The streams from these sessions will also be made available on


Doodle Polls will be conducted to determine the time and date of each session, the date of the first two sessions “Capabilities for a local ecosystem of services and data” and “Identity” have been confirmed. 


You can download a full list of the sessions, their themes, and dates HERE

This document will be updated once the dates of future sessions have been confirmed.