Interested in geospatial standards? Do you represent a local authority?


How about getting involved in IST/36? They are the national committee for geospatial standards. IST/36 is the British Standards Institution’s committee which shadows ISO TC211, that means they are the formal national voice on the standards that underpin INSPIRE, other Spatial Data Infrastructures, and a wide range of others.


The mission of the IST/36 committee is to:

to ensure that (i) UK has an agreed portfolio of relevant and trusted standards for the better exploitation and sharing of geographic information and (ii) these are maintained and promoted.


Nationally they look after BS 7666, which underpins the GeoPlace specification used for consolidating Local Land & Property Gazetteers and Local Street Gazetteers into their national equivalents. They also act as the Association for geographic information (AGI) Standards Committee, and look after UK GEMINI, the UK guidelines for geospatial metadata which allows you to get your metadata collected by


IST/36 is looking for representation from local authorities. They have recently welcomed a rep from the Transformation Service in Scotland.


If interested, please do get in touch via