In March, I wrote a blog announcing phase two of the SAVVI data standards project to identify vulnerable individuals and households. We have since followed this up with a show and tell session on 16 April 2021. The show and tell was an excellent way for people following our project to hear directly from us and to ask us questions.

The show and tell event included: an introduction to SAVVI, what we learned and delivered in Phase 1, what we are doing in Phase 2, Joining up with other ‘vulnerability’ programs and how to get involved. We have recorded and published the session, so if you missed it, we encourage you to watch it. The video can be found on the SAVVI project page of the iStandUK website.

We aim to schedule more show and Tell sessions as the project progresses. If you are interested in receiving an invitation for future show and tell sessions please contact us at

On 16 April 2021 Paul Davidson presented a Show and Tell of the SAVVI project.