If you have heard me talk about the Scalable Approach to Vulnerability Via Interoperability (SAVVI) project, you will know that data standards sit at the heart of the project. As this is an iStandUK project, we are careful not to create vertical standards; the SAVVI approach is to deploy standards which improve interoperability across the sector. Our ultimate goal, therefore, is to create and contribute to an ecosystem of public sector data standards where different systems can talk to each other.

How controlled lists (=taxonomies) are used in identifying services relevant to an individual’s needs is essential to the success of service finders, social prescribing tools and addressing vulnerability. Recognising this, SAVVI is planning a workshop with Open Referral UK and LG Inform Plus to discuss what extra tooling and work is needed to make it easier to use controlled lists effectively. This workshop on the use of controlled lists, and the mappings between them in service finders and other tools is on 12 July 2-3pm, and sets out to agree how to:

  • find which controlled list terms are relevant to which use-cases
  • devise a common way of expressing and using mappings between controlled lists
  • make provision for local variations while still referencing shared public lists.

Users of the LG Inform Plus lists of services, needs, circumstances etc and the Open Referral UK standard are welcome to attend and contribute to the workshop. If you would like to attend the workshop, you can register a place here.