SAVVI (Scalable Approach to Vulnerability via Interoperability) has been awarded Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Local Digital Continuous Funding for phase three. In this phase, SAVVI aims to deploy SAVVI for real and make it self sustaining in order to do this SAVVI will continue to engage with the communities that were developed in previous phases including the SAVVI Tech Working Group (through TechUK), the SAVVI Information Governance Group, and other partners.

In order to deliver phase three of the project, we are looking to appoint: 

  • SAVVI Coach or Project Support 
  • SAVVI Data Standards Development
  • SAVVI Information Governance expertise and support. 

For further information on the SAVVI project you can watch the video on the background of SAVVI and catch up on the SAVVI Standards in this short 22 minute video. Take a look at the procurement opportunities that are currently open below, the deadline to apply for all roles is 12:00pm Wednesday 27th April.

SAVVI Coach or Project Support

The SAVVI project is looking to appoint an organisation to help us to find and support vulnerable people. The ‘SAVVI Coach’ will work directly with our partner projects, and will also help us to refine the SAVVI methods and engagement platforms. This role will support SAVVI to help adopt the standards in the public sector through partners and provide facilitation expertise between partners and the SAVVI team. 

If you are interested in helping us, please go to the Tameside procurement portal where you can find out more, and apply for the position.




SAVVI Data Standards Development 

The SAVVI project is looking to appoint for the role of SAVVI Data Standards Development an organisation to help us to define data standards to find and support vulnerable people. This appointment will be for a tech role and will work directly with our partner projects, and will also help us to refine the SAVVI standards and engagement platforms.

If you are interested in helping us, please go to the Tameside procurement portal where you can find out more, and apply for the position.




SAVVI Information Governance Expertise and Support

Finally, we are looking to appoint for the role of SAVVI Information Governance Expertise and Support. We have already established a group of IG professionals from a number of Local Authorities, who regularly come together to help us to understand the challenges and opportunities for data reuse when tackling vulnerability. This appointment will support building an engagement platform where local authorities can share their information governance treatments and their progress in tackling vulnerability.

If you are interested in helping us, please go to the Tameside procurement portal where you can find out more, and apply for the position.

For further information or support please contact Shelley Heckman, SAVVI Project Manager.