We are excited to announce that we have appointed some capacity to the SAVVI team for phase three, and would like to introduce the new SAVVI engagement team to you!
Firstly, we would like to welcome Andrew Humphreys to the team from RedQuadrant. Andrew will be supporting SAVVI in phase three as the SAVVI Coach. The ‘SAVVI Coach’ will work directly with our partner projects, and will also help us to refine the SAVVI methods and engagement platforms.
Andrew brings experience from several public services that engage with vulnerable people, including criminal justice, homelessness, social housing and welfare to work. Since 2017, Andrew has worked as a consultant with Local Authorities and NHS Trusts including using primary and secondary data to identify population and service users’ needs.
“I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into SAVVI projects to make them work and establishing SAVVI standards and processes as an essential part of how our public services work together to tackle vulnerability”
SAVVI Tech Support
We are re-joined by Mike Thacker and Dom Skinner from Porism Ltd. who worked with us on SAVVI Phase 2. Mike, with the support of Dom, are leading on the SAVVI technical data standards. This role will work directly with our partner projects, supporting them to embed SAVVI.
Mike led the work which resulted in the endorsement of the Open Referral UK standard by the UK Government Data Standards Authority and is looking forward to working with us again in phase 3.

SAVVI Information Governance
The SAVVI Information Governance support for phase 3 will be provided by Nailah Ukaidi. This appointment will provide our partner projects with SAVVI IG related support, and to capture learning for the SAVVI catalogue, an engagement platform where local authorities can share their information governance treatments and their progress in tackling vulnerability. As part of this role, Naila will also support the SAVVI Data Enablers group. This is an established group of IG professionals and data analysts from a number of Local Authorities, to regularly come together to help the SAVVI project to understand the challenges and opportunities for data reuse when tackling vulnerability.
Nailah is the founder and Director of Nyela IG Consultants (NIGC), a specialist Information Governance and Data Protection consultancy. Nailah is a well-qualified and experienced data protection and privacy professional with an in-depth understanding of the public and private sector. She possesses a high level of knowledge and expertise in the application of Data Protection legislation and develops and delivers training as a Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) Certified Trainer and Practitioner for the DPA 2018 (GDPR).

We would like you to join us in welcoming Mike, Dominic, Andrew and Nailah to the SAVVI team who will be working alongside the core SAVVI team. The core team at SAVVI consists of Shelley Heckman (SAVVI programme manager), Paul Davidson (SAVVI Product Owner), Phil Swan (SAVVI Sponsor), Sarah Deignan (SAVVI Funder), Michelle Kern (SAVVI programme support) and Mevish Khalid (SAVVI Comms).