It’s been a busy time for data standards in the last few months. We would like to share news of two standards that the SAVVI project has been keeping an eye on.
Open Referral UK
Those of you that have been following SAVVI will know that we talk about SAVVI standards as ideally being part of a wider ecosystem. We are therefore pleased to share that Open Referral UK (ORUK), a sister standard of SAVVI, has recently been endorsed by Government, and the ODI is setting up an Institution for it.
Local Authorities are required to publish directories of Family Information Services and typically they maintain multiple other directories of overlapping content and varying quality. Other public sector bodies provide and signpost a smaller range of services. Private, community and voluntary sector organisations, such as Age UK, describe their own services and often feature in many directories. ORUK is a standard that better enables the sharing of open information on services by public sector and community organisations across the UK. It does so by making service information open and shareable in a common format so it can be re-used and progressively improved by the collective efforts of publishers and consumers.
ORUK is adopted by the “Support” phase of the Scalable Approach to Vulnerability Via Interoperability (SAVVI) process. ORUK’s journey to adoption and endorsement by Government is welcome news to SAVVI because we are on the same journey towards adoption by Government and we feel we can learn a lot from the experience of our sister standards.
PRSB Social Prescribing Standard
Another standard we would like to promote is the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB) social prescribing standard. This is a UK wide standard enabling the sharing and recording of information for all models of social prescribing including those used in local authorities and voluntary organisations in social care or health.
The Social Prescribing Standard enables the sharing and recording of information for the whole patient journey, from initial referral, throughout the period of social prescribing and the message back to the referrer and GP at its conclusion.
The standard supports the recording and sharing of information including:
- The information required to support the conversations between the link worker and the person
- Information to support people, show their healthcare is joined up and avoid them having to retell their story multiple times
- Information that can be shared with the person themselves, their family or carer
- Summary information back to the referrer and GP for the person’s overall record
- Information for secondary uses, e.g. for understanding the scale and effectiveness of social prescribing services, planning, population health etc.
This standard has been recently published and is now live on PRSB’s website here: Social Prescribing Standard V0.2 – PRSB ( This is the final draft pending endorsement by the relevant professional bodies and key stakeholders.