Local Data Ecosystem


Tameside Council have been successful in a bid to the Cabinet Office’s Open Data User Group for funding to develop a prototype of a ‘Local Data Ecosystem’, initially using a theme of ‘Troubled Families’, across Greater Manchester.  LeGSB is developing the standards and a prototype solution which will be based around an ‘extensible data dictionary’ that is used across platforms for

  • multi-agency case view for protected data
  • public facing open data
  • personal data store for individual access to data


Next Steps

  • Develope extensible data dictionary prototype
  • Develop semantics for Troubled Families
  • Source, and Transform Data
  • Load Data to Local Data Ecosystem
  • Provide data querying facilites


19th October 201


31st March 2014

  • spent a day with local authority staff across Manchester for technical and policy requirements
  • had a session with DCLG to understand how they apply ‘big data’ analytics to troubled families data.
  • developed ‘wire frames’ and the approach to the ‘data dictionary’.

February 2014

  • Blueprint for the Local Data Ecosystem