Concept – Service

Concept Service

a public service is the capacity to carry out a procedure and exists whether it is used or not.

In local public service data

Local Government Service

Linked Data Vocabulary European Commission Core Public Service Vocabulary
dcterms:type To describe the type of a service using a common list across many Local Authorities. Services of the same ‘type’ can then be found from many service providers.
The Local Government Service List from esdToolkit
dcterms:language The language(s) in which the service is available.
The recomendation in the Core Public Serivce Vocabulary is to use the European Publications Office’s Named Authority List of languages at For example



@prefix cpsv: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix org: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .

	a cpsv:PublicService ;
	dcterms:title "Collect and dispose of your bulky waste items"@en ;
	dcterms:description """You can arrange for us to make a special collection at your property for large items such as furniture or items with special disposal requirements such as a fridge.  Depending on your circumstances, there may be a charge."""@en ;
	dcterms:type <>.
	a org:FormalOrganization ;
	foaf:name "Utopia District Coucncil" ;
	cpsv:provides <>.