by Shelley Heckman | Aug 24, 2021 | Data Standards, Interoperability, SAVVI
It has been a few months since I blogged about information governance and the progress that the Scalable Approach to Vulnerability Via Interoperability (SAVVI) project is making in this area. In my last IG blog, I talked about setting up an IG Quality Assurance group...
by Shelley Heckman | Jul 28, 2021 | Data Standards, Interoperability, SAVVI
From the very start of our Scalable Approach to Vulnerability Via Interoperability (SAVVI) project, we knew that the tech industry would be key stakeholders. Back in December 2020, we held a workshop with techUK to engage with tech industry partners to address...
by Mevish Khalid | Jul 8, 2021 | Data Standards, SAVVI
Help define and improve the data standards that improve outcomes for places and it’s citizens. Last December techUK was pleased to host the Scalable Approach to Vulnerability via Interoperability (SAVVI) team for a ‘Help shape the tech response to how local government...
by Shelley Heckman | May 27, 2021 | Data Standards, SAVVI
For those of you that are following the SAVVI Project (Scalable Approach to Vulnerability via Interoperability), you will know that we are in phase two and that phase two is in three parts. One part is supporting Huntingdonshire District Council to use the SAVVI...
by Shelley Heckman | May 26, 2021 | Data Standards, SAVVI
Last month, I blogged about assembling the SAVVI team for phase 2 of our Scalable Approach to Vulnerability via Interoperability project. We are delighted to announce that we have appointed some capacity, expanding our team, and we are now in a position to formally...
by Shelley Heckman | May 11, 2021 | Data Standards
Phase two of the SAVVI project is in three parts. One part, the part I am blogging about today, is supporting Huntingdonshire District Council to use the SAVVI standards and process as part of their vulnerability management project. Huntingdonshire District Council...