The Smart City Concept Model
LeGSB have been appointed at Technical Authors for the British Standards Institute (BIS) Publicly Available Standard (PAS) defining the Smart City Concept Model – known as PAS182.
Following up regional workshops in November and December, we have now developed the PAS which passes onto the public consultation phase from 2nd April 14. We have also developed an accompanying web site at where the model can be viewed, and where datasets can be mapped to it.
Thr British Standards Institute will take over the running and branding of the web site during April 2014.
Health Directories
The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) are working with LeGSB to consider how to integrate content to form local Health Directories, and in particular to pull in data from NHS England and the Care Quality Commission.
DCLG Code of Practice on Data Transparency
The DCLG Code of Practice on Data Transparency is in the process of being made mandatory via regulations. These were due to come into effect from April 2014, but have been delayed. LeGSB supported the DCLG by taking part in their regional roadshows during January 2014 in Sunderland, London and Wakefield.
We have started to map data listed in the Code of Practice to the Smart City Concept Model, to highlight the potential to use common identifiers and classifications.
DWP Atlas Data Formats
The 3rd phase of the DWP’s Atlas data transfer has been further developed by LeGSB during February and March 2014. Atlas enabled data to be transmitted from the DWP to local authorities to support Housing Benefits, and will be further developed to support data transfers for Universal Credits, and potentially, other data sharing scenarios.
Hampshire County Council Planning Register
Hampshire County Council have been successful in a bid to the Breakthrough Fund (BIS) to publish data about planning applications sourced from the 13 planning authorities in their area. LeGSB has given some initial advice on data standards, and HCC now intend to appoint LeGSB to become a part of the programme. We are due to run a workshop on the 2nd April 2014.
Devon County Council for a Directory of Community Services
Devon County Council have been successful in their bid to the Breakthrough Fund (BIS) to prioritize and publish a number of datasets, including their existing drectory of community services. Devon C.C. have appointed LeGSB to assist them to develop schemas and data transformations, and to explore the potential of a 5* approach.
Local Data Ecosystem
Tameside Council have been successful in a bid to the Cabinet Office’s Open Data User Group for funding to develop a prototype of a ‘Local Data Ecosystem’, initially using a theme of ‘Troubled Families’, across Greater Manchester. LeGSB is developing the standards and a prototype solution which will be based around an ‘extensible data dictionary’ that is used across platforms for
- multi-agency case management for protected
- public facing open data
- personal data store for individual access to data
During the period, we have
- spent a day with local authority staff across Manchester for technical and policy requirements
- had a session with DCLG to understand how they apply ‘big data’ analytics to troubled families data.
- developed ‘wire frames’ and the approach to the ‘data dictionary’.
Open Standards Board
The ‘Data Standards Panel’ which advises the Open Standards Board, is preparing a proposal for ‘URI Patterns’ which builds on the current guidance which was originally developed by LEGSB in 2009, and has been adopted by a number of nations.