Hampshire County Council Planning Register



Hampshire County Council have been successful in a bid to the Breakthrough Fund (BIS) to publish data about planning applications sourced from the 13 planning authorities in their area, as 5* Linked Data.



  • A Link Data Application Profile for publishing planning data.
  • Various controlled vocabularies.


Next Steps

  • LeGSB develop the staging schema
  • DCLG set up category lists
  • Hampshire appoint linked data expertise
  • tranform data from source formats into the staging format
  • transform data from the staging format into rdf format



2nd April 2014

Workshop with Local Authorities, DCLG and the LGA to define a staging format for the data.

LeGSB Slides used in the Workshop LeGSB-HampshirePlanningData-April2014-Rev1

31st March 2014

LeGSB has given some initial advice on data standards, and HCC now intend to appoint LeGSB to become a part of the programme.