Publishing Local 5* Data


This iStandUK (formally LeGSB) guide explores how 5* data can be applied to local public services.  Various Linked Data experts have checked it for us and we have been able to improve it as a result.



Why do we need this guide?

Feedback from local authorities tells us that, while many wish to publish data in a smarter, joined up way, that will benefit their residents, they have not been able to find relevant material that explains the practicalities of 5* data publishing.

At LGA events across England in March 2013, iStandUK (formally LeGSB) presented the material in this guide to roomfuls of local authority practitioners, who then fed back that they would value it being turned into a proper guide, and were likely to take part in supporting web collaborations.


Using the guide

This is a long document that will take at least half a day to work through and digest. We hope that the reader is rewarded with a confident command of how 5* data publishing can be applied to local data, towards a data ecosystem that supports efficiency, transformation and transparency or local services.