by Paul Davidson | Apr 9, 2014 | Analytical, Data Sharing, Interoperability, Open Data, Operational, Political, Semantics, Statistical
The Smart City Concept Model, which has been developed by LeGSB, within the BSI ‘publicy available standard ‘ process, is now available for public comment via the BSI website. The consultation period ends on the 16t May 2014. You can download the...
by Paul Davidson | Jul 1, 2013 | Context, Open Data, Semantics
We have published a new white paper exploring how ‘Linked Data Profiles’ would remove a barrier for Local Authorities to make a success of publishing 5* data. Linked Data Profiles
by Paul Davidson | Apr 10, 2013 | Analytical, Community, Data Sharing, Government Politics and Public Administration, Interoperability, Local Government, Open Data, Operational, Political, Semantics, Statistical, Well Being
We have published a white paper that proposes how data standards can be applied to a ‘Troubled Families’ program so that. Case work is supported with information Evidence is provided to support local policy making Good practice is shared on ‘what works’. Open Data is...