10th October 2013. We ran a LeGSB ‘Troubled Families’ Workshop in Manchester to explore how data sharing can be improved with agreed meanings and vocabularies for the terms in the data. Follow up from some councils who would like to do some practical work with LeGSB for Troubled Families.
21st November 2013. Paul Davidson presented to the National Archives Information Management Liaison seminar, in Kew, about 5* Data and a Local Data Ecosystem.
Smart City Concept Model
The project was launched on the 5th September 2013, and a product description for the Concept Model produced by LeGSB and agreed by BSI.
The 1st steering group meeting was held on the 16th September 2013, which reviewed version 0.1.1 of the model.
LeGSB have developed a web site at where the model can be viewed, and commented on, and where datasets can be mapped to the model.
LeGSB ran two workshops with Local Authorities and data specialists to get feedback when using the model.
- 19/11/2013 – Manchester
- 04/12/2013 – London
The model is currently at version 0.1.3
A number of projects and city councils have indicated that they will use the model to create city data platforms and apps.
See the detailed update for the project.
Government Open Standards
The Metadata Working Group, led by the National Archives, met on 11th November, to finalise the ‘standards profile’ for metadata and SKOS – see
The Data Standards Panel met on 17th September 2013, to consider a number of ‘standards profiles’, including the metadata one ( above ). Those recomendations went forward to the Open Standards Board. The Open Standards Board approved two profiles for government adoption
- which adopts UTF-8 as the default for character encoding.
- which adopts HTTP 1.1 and URLs to provide URIs to name ‘things’, particularly as the foundation of Linked Data.
The Open Standards Board considered that the the metadata standards profile should be reformed into at new challenges, inlcuding
- the requirements under public record legislation to be able to select and dispose of public
records. - a record of intellectual property ownership for the data in a container.
- federated management of vocabularies.
Inventories and Registries
Supporting the LGA and ESD Toolkit to work with to devise an XML format in which the metadata describing Local Authority Open Datasets, can be ‘harvested’ and become searchable at
5th November 2013. Meeting with and esd toolkit, to inform the development of the XML schema. Continued refinement via email.
Open Data Publishing
1st October 2013. Presented to LGA Open Data Event, and the Peterborough Breakthrough project for open data standards
21st October 2013. Presented to LGA Breakthrough event on 5* Linked Data and a local data ecosystem
1st November 2013. Open Government Partnership Event, QEII Conference Centre.
DWP Open Data Group
26th September 2013. First Meeting. Included
- Demonstration of the on line tabulation tool Stat-Xplore.
- The DWP open data inventory as a part of the National Information Infrastructure